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Software Projects



A project to develop a comprehensive implementation of literate programming, to finally enable the writing of programs based on classic principles of technical writing and publishing. In the process, we may manage to do some justice to the original goals of truly open software.

Older iterations (W-1 and W-2) have illuminated just what must be done to accomplish this, thus setting the goals for the stable W-3. Donald Knuth's dream of reading the first program to win a Pulitzer may well be close at hand...

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The Unified Simulation System for Quantum Architectures. Quantum computing software is stuck at the level of a hardware description language (HDL). However, extensive research has been made into ideal instruction set architectures for quantum computers.

The USS-QA came out of the need to address the defects in the resultant plans, and to construct a library to enable effective simulation of a useful quantum computer: a meta-simulator for quantum systems.

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