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The Centaur Courses. Self-paced courses/crash-courses for anyone interested in higher technical studies- data science, quantum mechanics, computing, advanced physics and mathematics- and more. Courses that:

  1. Are built around your questions: concepts and discussions will be shaped and ordered by the questions you ask about the subject of your interest.
  2. Are made up of engaging conversations and explorations with the help of powerful software.
  3. Seek to discover the first principles of various advanced technical sciences.

Welcome to Centaur Education, the new paradigm.

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1. Enroll

Select a topic closest to your subject of interest from our Courses page, and enroll yourself.

2. Shared course materials

On enrollment, you will obtain access to resources relevant to the subject, which you can go through a your leisure. Some samples of our resources can be found here.

3. Ask questions.

All courses are shaped by your questions. Send any and all questions you have about your subject of interest via any of our contact channels, and we will process them. There are no stupid questions.

4. Answers and books.

Every session is dedicated to answering your questions. Attendance is OPTIONAL, and recordings are shared with all enrolled students. (See a sampling on our YouTube channel.) The most significant questions will make their way into the published transcript, and earn their 'asker' a co-author/contributor status.

5. Get certified.

After evaluation with a low-pressure points system on self-paced assignments, certificates are awarded which provide an official link for the students with the published transcripts. Distinction is awarded to contributors.

Transcending time constraints and eligibility requirements.

Pitambar Sai Goyal has spent the last several years compiling notes, observations and designing carefully constructed illustrations and tests of scientific principles. The result is the Centaur Courses, where he endeavours to engage the great number of incurably curious folks that, like him, have questions enough for several lifetimes.

"He knows everything....extraordinary talent..."

   -Gopal N, Developer, Enarxi

" of the brightest minds we had..."

   -G. Senthil Kumar, Asst. Professor, LICET